> Fiches de vocabulaire > vocabulaire anglais > anglais demain
a subprime | a insecured borrower |
sort | to classify |
rembourser | to pay back |
titrisation | securization |
titres | securities |
découvert | overdraft |
carte de crédit | debit card |
credit card | a loan |
stockholders | shareholders |
derivaties | other types of securities protecting against the bad effects of share price variation |
stock (usa) | share (uk) |
prévenir | to prevent |
mettre en application | to implement ou to apply |
to apply for | to be candidate to |
éviter un obstacle | to avoid an obstacle |
à l'heure | on time |
faiblesse | weakness |
money laundering | money washing (to make money clean an legal) |
constraint | contrainte |
an apllication | a cover letter |
lettre de motivation + cv | an application |
lettre de motivation | a cover letter |
CV | a resume |
advice | conseil |
transmettre | to convey to transmit to show |
ajouter | to include to add |
you do it very often | to be used to doing something |
pratique commode | pratical convenient useful |
the important it's the person | to tell |
the message is the most importante | to say |
nationalization | the state |
privatization | the stock exchange |
public firm | state owned |
fusionner | to merge |
une fusion | a merger |
valeur nette | networth |
accumuler | accumulate |
prise de contrôle (OPA) | takeover |
prendre le pouvoir | to take over |
une offre | an offer a bid |
previous employers | referees |
rappeler | to remind |
se rappeler (se souvenir) | to remember |
faire faillite | to go bankrupt ou to go bust |
fluctuer flotter | to float |
pénurie (un manque) | a shortage a lack |
faire face | to cope with |
obligations | bonds |
hypothèque | mortgage |
pension | pension: money paid to a retired person |
acquérir | to gain |
annonce | adverstissement |