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Vocabulaire anglais - > Fiches de vocabulaire > vocabulaire anglais >

protestation outrage protest
starve themselves deprive themselves of food
were defaced were vandalized
masse afflué flocked to
rabaissé depreciate,humiliate
panneaux publicitaires billboards
un manifestant a demonstrator a protester
manifester to demonstrate to protest
présentateur newsreader anchor
mauvais santé unhelathy
to take down remove
intentionally well-publicised high-profile
formal objections complaints
to meet the subjects they disagree about going head to head
a negative reaction to a political decision backlash
to cause controversy to make big waves
to weaken to undermined
a group of people body
displayed plastered
proceed going forward
start,a violent response ignited a firestorm
fast-paced culture changing very quickly
enhance improve embellish
unattaible inaccessible which can't be obtained
flawless perfect
spenders consumers


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