> Fiches de vocabulaire > vocabulaire anglais > btsc2
comptable | accountant |
comptabilité | accounting |
candidat | applicant |
candidature | application |
postuler | apply |
apprenti | apprentice |
apprentissage/stage | apprenticeship |
carrière | career |
président | chairman |
PDG | Chief Executive Officer |
gagner | earn |
embaucher | employ |
employeur | employee |
compléter/remplir | fill out |
formulaire | form |
temps plein | full time |
enseignement supérieur | further education |
diplômé | graduate |
bourse/subvention | grant |
poignée de main | handshake |
lycée | high school |
embaucher | hire |
améliorer | improve |
stagiaire | intern |
entretien | interview |
travail | job |
entretien d'embauche | job interview |
offre d'emploi | job offer |
marché de l'emploi | job market |
chercheur d'emploi | job seeker |
sans emploi | jobless |
licencier | lay off |
directeur | manager |
réunion | meeting |
petit boulot | odd job |
bureau | office |
formation permanente | on the job training |
enseignement à distance | open university |
chances/débouché | opportunities |
temps partiel | part time |
CDI | permanent job |
poste | position |
potentiel | potential |
agence de recrutement | recruitment agency |
étude | research |
CV | résumé |
bourse | scholarship |
compétence | skill |
subventionner | tu subsidise |
travail d'équipe | teamwork |
intérimaire | temp |
faire de l'intérim | to temp |
CDD | temporary job |
metier | trade |
former un employé | train an employee |
stagiaire | trainee |
formation | training |
responsable de formation | training officer |
stage de formation | training period |
étudiant de 1er cycle | undergraduate |
sans emploi | unemployed |
vacances | vacation |
formation professionnelle | vocational training |
bénévole | volunteer |
stage | work placement |
éducateur | youth leader |