> Fiches de vocabulaire > vocabulaire anglais > People who follow the latest fashion clothes
garder a l'esprit | to keep in mind |
pour que cela n'ait pas d'importance | for it not to matter |
le salaire | the pay check |
assister a une conference | to attend a lecture |
aider | to assist |
assez elever | pretty high |
vous le valez bien | you're |
un droit fondamentale de l'homme | a basic human right |
�ªtre accroc a | to be hooked on |
des moutons | sheep |
le loisir | the leisure |
plutot que | rather than |
ennuyeux | boring |
une corvee domestique | a household chore |
meme | even |
sale | dirty |
un weekend coquin | a dirty weekend |
passer du temps a faire qqch | to spend time during something |
compter sur | to count on |
un salaire brut | a gross salary |
d'une part | on the one hand |
d'autre part | on the other hand |
l'assurance medicale | the medical insurance |
negligeable | negligible |
fournir | to provide |
expatrier | to expat |
se rapprocher | t oget |
faire un saut | to make a leap |