> Fiches de vocabulaire > vocabulaire anglais > I love malls
un centre commercial | a mall |
département aux usa | the us department |
mes bien chers freres | dearly beloved |
se rassembler | to gather |
au beau milieu de | in the midst of |
une attraction foraine | a funhouse |
endetter | to send into debt |
un lieu ou on celebre des mariages rapide | a chapel of love |
nicher | to tuck |
calme | quite |
le commerce au detail | the retail |
ideal | conveniente |
un mariage | a wedding |
un pretre | aan ordained minister |
pour le meilleur et pour le pire | in sickness and in health |
la sante | the health |
la maladie | sickness |
une homelie | a homily |
le pardon | forgiveness |
un voeu | a vow |
les applaudissement | the applause |
passer devant | to head past |
la future mariee | the bride |
angelique | cherubic |
s'appuyer | to lean |
un endroit | a spot |
glousser | to giggle |
charger | to lowd |
une palette | a pallet |
un entrepot | a warehouse |
le point capital | the crux |
de maniere fiable | reliably |
quel que | what ever |
imputer a | to pin on |
un credit immoblier | a mortgage |
la folie | insanity |
un consommateur | consummer |
trop depenser | to overspend |
la consommation | the consuption |
representer | to account to |
se rependre | to sloch |
abreuver | to sloch into |
une caisse enregistreuse | a cash register |
un commercant | a retailer |
economiser | to save |
un remede | a cure |
guerir | to cure |
reoncer a | to quit |
l'epoux | the spouse |
blesser | to wound |
a la derive | adrift |
l'aide psychologique | counseling |
illico presto | pronto |
a l'essai | trial |
horrible | ugly |
craite | a fear |
le pied au carre | a square foot |
un monstre geant | a behemoth |
un domaine | a filp |
tentaculaire | sprawling |
evacuer | to vent |
pester | to grumble |
la culpabilite | the guilt |
a problemes | dysfunctional |
un banc | a bench |
le petit enfant | the grandchild |
un cadeau | a gift |
legerement | a tad |
avoir des echanges | to interact |
le reparateur | the repairman |
reparer | to fix |
chosir | to pick out |
article, chose | stuff |